Saturday, May 30, 2009


Eric Felten's Wall Street Journal column, How's Your Drink holds forth this week on the Gibson, essentially a dry martini featuring a pearl onion in place of the traditional olive garnish.

Anyway, Mr. Felten writes:

The greatest Gibson moment in all of popular culture is found in Alfred Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest” (1959). When ad executive Cary Grant is in New York, his drink of choice is what you would expect of a man so faultlessly tailored—Martinis at the Oak Bar. But when he is fleeing the city on the 20th Century Limited, he heads to the Pullman car and finds himself seated across from the exquisite Eva Marie Saint, with whom he is soon exchanging innuendo-rich pleasantries. The drink he orders? A Gibson—the perfect quaff for someone hurtling in a Northwesterly direction.
"..the exquisite Eva Marie Saint." I've got to agree with the use of that adjective.



Mary Lois said...

She was elegant and sexy at the same time in that movie, wasn't she?

But methinks you are not a Gibson man.

Steve said...

I agree. elegant and sexy.
An excellent movie, North by Northwest. And I always thought Cary Grant was the epitome of an urbane, debonair and sophisticated playboy type, despite the "Randolph Scott's houseboy" rumors.