Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Furthermore, from The Sports Curmudgeon...

And I think he is right on in today's post:

After you have read all of the Super Bowl analysis on the sports pages of the nation this morning, you may still have some questions as to why the game turned out the way it did. As a public service, allow me to assist you in getting the answers you seek:

    1. If you want to know why the Colts’ loss was the fault of the Bush Administration, tune in to Keith Olbermann’s show on MSNBC tonight. According to him, everything is the fault of the Bush Administration; therefore, he will surely be able to provide you with guidance there.

    2. If you want to know why the Colts’ loss was the fault of the Obama Administration, tune in to Bill O’Reilly’s show on FOX News tonight. According to him, everything is the fault of the Obama Administration; therefore, he will surely be able to provide you with guidance there.

No need to thank me…

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